The Way of Truth

Truth is everything! 

Funny thing about it: truth is always right. We live in a world that is constantly changing. Things change. People change. 'Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away'. Truth remains. The reason we make a big deal about 'Truth' is because it is constant, and if we don't have it in our lives, we have nothing. This is what defines the true church: it's relentless pursuit of the truth in Gods word and the proclaiming of it every time the doors are open.

Tabernacle of Praise' passion toward truth is, we feel, that of the bible... that it will make you free. The common misconception is that 'the truth' will set you free, but there is no such scripture or doctrine in the bible. The truth is that 'truth' makes us free. It is a process and, over time, by living a life pleasing to God, we are made free from the things that would plague, tempt, or try to pull us back to a life away from God. There is deliverance. Yes, there is salvation. These are fundamental doctrines of the bible and we hold to them dearly. When someone is born again it is a start, a beginning. Salvation is a miraculous conversion that will lead you to the promised land. The bible teaches that after conversion or deliverance we learn over time to walk with God, learning His word and will. This is what we believe. Knowing that truth, through the process of becoming, will make us free is a fundamental belief by which we can base all hope of living in spiritual freedom and liberty.

'You shall know the truth...and the truth shall make you free.' John 8:32

'If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.' John 8:36

'Being then made free from sin you became the servants of righteousness.' Romans 6:18

'In the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free...' Gal. 5:1

The way of truth is not flighty or accidental. Nor is it the strange belief that because He is God and I have been good He will somehow set me free from all my troubles and woes. Truth is more than that. It is richer, deeper. It is the holy, godly process He has chosen to make us free. That is what truth does. We believe that if we will adhere to the truth of Gods word, to study and preach, to hear and live, and then do is possible to live our life pleasing to Him.

Truth is everything!  If you want to know truth for your family, please call and schedule a Truth Bible Study in your own home with a qualified instructor. Full color charts make it easy to visualize and understand what is being taught. If you like the word, you'll love Truth.